Sunday, November 2, 2008

Sunday's AC/DC News

AC/DC's Rock Band 2 Expansion pack goes on sale today exclusively at Wal-Mart in the U.S. and in a variety of stores across the rest of the free world.

In tour news, the set list at last night's AC/DC concert in Chicago was identical to their first performance in the Windy City on the 30th of last month. Here's a few videos from yesterday evening's show from different sources:

Anything Goes

Thunderstruck (not from close up but has decent sound)


AC/DC has dropped out of the #1 album sales spot in Australia and Ireland according to Undercover News. We'll have to wait and see how Black Ice fares in other countries, but I'm confident sales will still be strong for a while longer.

In an interesting development, Colin Burgess, AC/DC's first drummer, has crawled out from under the woodwork to talk to the Daily Telegraph about his thoughts on the new album and his days with AccaDacca. For the record, Burgess feels Black Ice sounds more like something Bon Jovi might release and he goes on to say that AC/DC was wrong for sacking him back in the day. Apparently, he was fired for being drunk on stage one night but he now says it was not his fault because his drink was spiked. For the full story, click here.

Actually, the best AC/DC item of the day comes from the Daily Telegraph, as well. They've posted forty-five photos in a gallery they're calling "AC/DC Bon and Beyond" and there's even a few pictures in it that I've never seen before.

The Sunday Sun, a paper in Northern England, has a brief article today that's mainly about Brian Johnson which you'll probably enjoy should you care to read it.

Finally, The Malaysian Star has posted their review of Black Ice which I'm sure you've been waiting for with baited breath. (It's actually not a bad read at all, by the way.) Also, here's some pics courtesy of DC101 from the Sunday Night show in Wilkes-Barre, PA.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Love that shot of Bon and Irene, and the one of Bon coming out of the shower (do they have one without the towel?)!