Monday, November 3, 2008

AC/DC In Indy Tonight

Reuters has a review of Saturday's concert called Thunderstruck by AC/DC in Chicago which I think you'll enjoy. Here's the show for download, by the way.

The old Rosie is back!

Fellow Blogger, Zach's Travels, has posted a detailed story of his journey to see AC/DC last Saturday night which is the kind of review I'd like for fans to add here if they have the time. Consequence of Sound also has a review of the same show.

Definitely not Phil Rudd

If you're still undecided on whether you're going to spend your hard earned dough on AC/DC's Rock Band pack, you might want to check out these helpful previews from Destructoid and Gamespy first. Too bad they don't have animated AC/DC characters in the game. I guess Malcolm and the boys weren't paid well enough for that to happen!

In other tidbits, I found The Times' Rock in a hard place: heavy metal for the recession to be a pretty interesting read, though it's not strictly about AC/DC.

Nuclear Family Warhead has a cute story about a boy who wanted to be Angus Young for Halloween.

Glide Magazine has offered up their CD review of Black Ice, giving it three and a half stars out of five.

Here's a hilarious video taken of AC/DC during their Rolling Stone photo session. Note the sarcasm in their voices about finally being on the cover after a mere 30 years in rock 'n' roll...

More pics from one of the gigs in Chicago (probably Saturday's) have turned up online. A rocker on Myspace has posted 300+ photos of his recent night with AC/DC at the Allstate Arena, too. AC/DC Italia has some really nice photos of that show, as well.

There's an interview of Brian & Angus on Spanish TV found here. However, you'll need to update to Windows Media Player 11 to see it. Hopefully, someone will post it to YouTube soon.

That's all for now! Check back later today for updates. If you attend tonight's show, please post a review for us all to check out in the comments section below.

Keep rockin, Jon


Rod said...

How come Phil and Cliff weren't in the photo shoot?

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the linkage! Nukeboy1 is an Angus fanatic; I'm glad I finally got him away from that manufactured Chris Brown/Rhianna pop garbage. The downside is I haven't seen my AC/DC CD's in months. At least I know where to find them: his room!

Anonymous said...

YEAH, where were Phil&Cliff???

My best guess, (knowing those two) is they hate that kind of shit anyway.
But still,..!
I'll give them props. at least for saying(fuck you Rolling Stone for taking so long!!)
those are my words, not theirs!
It will be the one, and only copy, of Rolling Stone I ever buy, I can tell you that!!!!


Anonymous said...

Please com to PERU and Southamerica.

Por favor vengan a PERU y Sudamerica